SCROLL Template library - School surveys

Template library - School surveys

Anti Bullying Survey

8 questions

This survey asks pupils a range of questions to help establish if bullying is a problem at school.

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Name Text of question Type of answer Further notes Data source Mandatory?
q1 During the last week, how many times (if any) has someone teased or made fun of you, called you names or insulted you? Number
q2 During the last week how many times (if any) – as far as you know or have heard – has someone badmouthed you behind your back? Number
q3 During the last week how often (if any) has someone purposely pushed, jostled, tripped or even spat at you? Number
q4 During the last week how many times (if any) has someone purposely blocked you from joining a group or activity? Number
q5 During the last week how many times (if any) has someone used a mobile phone or the internet to say or post nasty or hurtful things about you? Number
q6 During the last week has anyone tried to make you do things you didn’t want to, like giving them money or other things? List of choices
q7 During the last week has anyone at all threatened or done you harm? List of choices
q8 If you want to add anything further, you can do so here: Text (multi-line) You can tell us in complete confidence