SCROLL Template library - School surveys

Template library - School surveys

20 questions the Governing Body might ask of itself

20 questions

This survey invites the School Governing Body to consider how well they are doing against a range of indicators.

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Name Text of question Type of answer Further notes Data source Mandatory?
q1 We have completed a skills audit to inform the specification we use as the basis of governor appointment and interview. List of choices Yes
q2 We understand our roles and responsibilities, including what it means to be strategic. List of choices Yes
q3 We have a professional clerk who provides legal advice and oversees the governing board’s induction and development needs. List of choices Yes
q4 The size, composition and committee structure of our governing board is conducive to effective working. List of choices Yes
q5 We make use of good practice from across the country. List of choices Yes
q6 We carry out a regular 360° review of the chair’s performance and elect the chair each year. List of choices Yes
q7 We engage in good succession planning so that no governor serves for longer than two terms of office and the chair is replaced at least every six years. List of choices Yes
q8 The chair carries out an annual review of each governor’s contribution to the board’s performance. List of choices Yes
q9 Our vision looks forward three to five years, and it includes what the children who have left the school will have achieved. List of choices Yes
q10 We have agreed a strategy with priorities for achieving our vision and with key performance indicators against which we can regularly monitor and review the strategy. List of choices Yes
q11 Our strategic planning cycle is effective in driving the governing board’s activities and agenda setting. List of choices Yes
q12 We listen to, understand and respond to our pupils, parents and staff. List of choices Yes
q13 We make and publicise regular reports on the work of the governing board to our parents and local community. List of choices Yes
q14 The Governing Body ensures that the school benefits from collaboration with other schools and other sectors, locally and nationally. List of choices Yes
q15 We understand the school’s performance data (including in-year progress tracking data) so we can properly hold school leaders to account. List of choices Yes
q16 Governors regularly visit the school to get to know it and to monitor the implementation of the school strategy. List of choices Yes
q17 We regularly review our poicies and monitor their effectiveness. List of choices Yes
q18 We know how effective our staffs' performance management is, and that it benefits the school. List of choices Yes
q19 Our financial management systems are robust and enable us to ensure best value for money. List of choices Yes
q20 We know how much the school has improved over the last three years, and what our contribution has been to this improvement. List of choices Yes